Beginning in the application cycle for 2024 (graduating class of 2026), the Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowships across the USA will be utilizing the San Francisco Match for both application handling through the Central Application System (CAS) and for the match itself. Please click the link below to apply for fellowship and learn more about this process.
CLICK HERE for more information for Program Directors.
SF Match
SF Match for Pediatric Anesthesiology
Application deadlines may vary depending on the institution, but the Match timetable is as follows:
Monday January 6, 2025:
Applicant registration begins. Registration will remain open until the rank deadline. Applicants are encouraged to register as early as possible to allow time to apply to and interview for fellowships.
January – June:
Interview season.
Saturday, March 1, 2025:
This is a target date for applicants to submit their applications, but it is not an actual deadline. Any applications submitted by this date must be reviewed by the program. Each program sets their own application deadline and applicants may continue submitting applications until the program’s deadline. Most are currently set between April-June.
Tuesday, May 28, 2025:
Exception deadline.
Tuesday June 10, 2025
All rank lists must be submitted by 12:00 pm (noon) PT.
Tuesday June 24, 2025:
Match results will be made available by logging into the SF website (9:00 am, PT)
Application to Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship programs must include the following:
- CAS Application:
- Complete Personal Info form
- Submit Required Supplemental form
- Personal Statement with required questions (found in application)
- Medical School Transcripts
- USMLE Steps 1, 2, and 3/COMLEX 1, 2, and 3 or equivalent transcripts.
- ABA BASIC Exam Scores
- Three (3) letters of reference, one of which must come from your residency program director.
ITE scores are optional but may be included or requested.
Match Exceptions are binding, pre-match agreements between programs and applicants that they will rank each other to match in the SF Match. This is essentially the same as “out of match” offers in the NRMP system. The difference is that, although the program and applicant have a binding agreement, they must both submit a rank list for the match. This process keeps the match transparent and allows applicants, programs, and the Pediatric Anesthesiology Program Directors’ Association (PAPDA) to understand the interests and behaviors of both the applicants and programs.
There are four qualifying reasons that a program may offer a match exception:
- Military applicants, when separately approved and funded by the US Military
- Applicants who are also accepting an advanced fellowship position (24-months total)
- Internal program applicant (applicant from a core residency or affiliated program, defined by a Program Letter of Agreement)
- Couples match, where both applicants are applying to Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship
Match Exception Rules
- A program cannot have more Match Exceptions than the number of positions it has available.
- Match Exceptions are binding agreements between a fellowship program and an applicant.
- Match Exception Agreements cannot be used to coerce an applicant in any way.
- Unless the applicant rejects the offer or accepts a Match Exception at a different institution, the exception offer cannot be withdrawn by the program.
- Match Exception Agreements must be filed with PAPDA by May 28 at 5:00pm PT to be enforced in the match. A program cannot set any earlier deadline for the applicant to accept their offer, as that could coerce the applicant to accept a position early in the interview process and before they have explored other programs.
- Once a Match Exception Agreement is offered, the program has essentially committed a spot to that applicant until the applicant decides otherwise. These offers should only be extended to applicants that the program is completely dedicated to recruiting.
Match Exception Procedure:
- If a program would like to commit one of their spots to an applicant for one of the approved reasons listed above, the fellowship PD will issue a standardized Match Exception Agreement to the applicant. The Match Exception Agreement form is found here.
- The applicant has until May 28 at 5:00pm PT to independently decide to accept or decline the agreement.
- If the applicant accepts the Match Exception agreement, it will be sent to [email protected] and filed on the PAPDA website. Once the final agreement is uploaded to the website, it can be viewed by all PAPDA members for transparency in the match.
- Programs and applicants with a completed Match Exception Agreement must still submit a rank list in the match. After the match is completed, results will be reviewed by the PADPA Executive Board to ensure compliance with Match Exception Agreements. If there are any violations of Match Exception Agreements, the rank lists will be updated and the match will be run again to resolve disparities prior to releasing the results publicly.