The GOALS of the PAPDA are:
Programs and Members: support academic advancement and growth
- To establish and maintain a list of all ACGME-approved fellowship program directors and assistant directors
- To ensure communication amongst the program directors, through sponsorship of periodic gatherings, and e-communication with members
- To run a fellowship match in partnership with the NRMP or other selected entity; including dissemination of information regarding process, compliance, participation
- To evaluate the match annually to ensure that it remains an equitable and accessible tool that enhances each residents and programs selection process.
Education: improve the quality of pediatric anesthesiology education through dissemination of best practices of medical education
- To align the educational missions and goals of PAPDA with the ACGME, ABA, and provide periodic updates to members on important changes and issues
- To develop, standardize, maintain, and disseminate peer reviewed quality educational materials through partnership with SPA and other societies
- To support the collaborative development and validation of evaluation tools that reliably measure achievement of core competencies in pediatric anesthesiology, and ensure their availability to all programs
Outreach: to advance pediatric anesthesiology through national and international education initiatives
- To ensure open communication between PAPDA membership and the anesthesiology review committee of the ACGME.
- To maintain communication with other pediatric anesthesiology organizations (SPA, AAP SOA, PALC, COPA-ASA)
- To support and participate in SAAC-AASPD, and coordinate initiatives with other anesthesiology subspecialty fellowships and the core residency programs
- To collaborate with international pediatric anesthesia organizations